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Validator for IEC 61850 SCL 2003 (a Java runtime - at least version 17 - is required)

This validator can use OCL and NSD files. It is « Work In Progress » because NSD support is incomplete (NOT IMPLEMENTED messages are sometimes displayed).

There is a ChangeLog about the main changes between the different versions.

Validator for a command line use

Validator with a graphical user interface

  • Download the latest released RiseClipseValidatorSCLApplication-x.y.z.jar from this repository.
  • OCL (resp: NSD) files are expected to be in an OCL (resp: NSD) folder at the same level as the jar file; sub-folders can be used; see above for getting some.
  • Launch the jar.
  • Add one or more SCL files using the button in the "SCL Files" tab.
  • Optionally uncheck some OCL constraints in the "OCL Files" tab.
  • Start the validation using the Validate button in the "SCL Files" tab.
  • A new window will appear with one general tab and one for each SCL file.

Validator for ENTSO-E CGMES v3.0.0 (a Java runtime - at least version 17 - is required)

Validator for a command line use

  • Download the latest released RiseClipseValidatorCGMES3-x.y.z.jar from this repository
  • Use it (java -jar RiseClipseValidatorCGMES3-x.y.z.jar) in a Terminal/Cmd window; the command line arguments are given in a usage message. More details on command line options.
  • OCL files for CGMES 3.0.0 (adapted from those available on the ENTSO-E web site) are available in this repository, you can get the zip using the Code menu.

Validator with a graphical user interface

  • Download the latest released RiseClipseValidatorCGMES3Application-x.y.z.jar from this repository.
  • OCL files are expected to be in an OCL folder at the same level as the jar file; sub-folders can be used; see above for getting some.
  • Launch the jar.
  • Add one or more CGMES files using the button in the "CGMES Files" tab.
  • Optionally uncheck some OCL constraints in the "OCL Files" tab.
  • Start the validation using the Validate button in the "CGMES Files" tab.
  • A new window will appear with one general tab and one for each CGMES file.