RiseClipse command line help for CGMES validation jar

RiseClipse command line help for CGMES validation jar

Logo RiseClipe

Help for using the command lines

% java -jar RiseClipseValidatorCGMES3-1.0.3.jar --help
INFO: Copyright (c) 2022-2023 CentraleSupélec & EDF.
INFO: All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
INFO: are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
INFO: which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
INFO: https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
INFO: This tool is part of RiseClipse.
INFO: Contributors:
INFO:     Computer Science Department, CentraleSupélec
INFO: Contacts:
INFO:     dominique.marcadet@centralesupelec.fr
INFO:     aurelie.dehouck-neveu@edf.fr
INFO: Web site:
INFO:     https://riseclipse.github.io/
INFO: RiseClipseValidatorCGMES3 version: 1.0.3 (31 May 2024)
INFO: usage: RiseClipseValidatorCGMES
INFO:    --debug                          display all messages
INFO:    --error                          display only error messages
INFO:    --format-string <format>         messages are outputed with a java.util.Formatter using the given format string, 1$
INFO:                                     is severity, 2$ is category, 3$ is line number, 4$ is message, 5$ is filename, 6$ is
INFO:                                     color start, 7$ is color end (these last two are only used if the --use-color option
INFO:                                     is active), default is '%6$s%1$-7s%7$s: [%2$s] %4$s (%5$s:%3$d)'.
INFO: -h,--help                           display help message
INFO:    --help-environment               display environment variables used
INFO:    --info                           display info, notice, warning and error messages
INFO:    --merge                          all ENTSO-E CGMES v3.0.0 files are merged before OCL validation
INFO:    --notice                         display notice, warning and error messages
INFO: -o,--output <file>                  all messages are written to the given file
INFO:    --print-statistics               statistics about content of ENTSO-E CGMES v3.0.0 are displayed
INFO:    --use-color                      colors (using ANSI escape sequences) are used when displaying messages
INFO:    --use-filenames-starting-with-dotfiles whose name begins with a dot are not ignored
INFO:    --warning                        display warning and error messages

Without the --output option, messages are written to the standard output, therefore redirection, using >fileName.txt at the end of the command line is also possible.

Example of use

java -jar RiseClipseValidatorCGMES3-1.0.3.jar --merge MicroGrid-BaseCase-Merged.zip OCL >Result.txt